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do you have problems with barnacles, goose barnacles or any hard shell growth on your boat?
our copper ion electronic marine anti foul system will help you
Barnacle Rid uses copper electrodes coupled with our sophisticated computer controller to create copper ions that are released into the water, as a result, it creates a protective copper ion field around the hull and running gear (props & rudders), to stop barnacles, hard shell growth attaching and settling on the hull.
Barnacle Rid 4 Electrode Monohull Demo Video

This copper ion field is green friendly and does not harm barnacles, put simply, it creates an environment undesirable to barnacles/hard shell larvae so they go elsewhere. Barnacle Rid is also safe for swimmers, unlike ultrasonic systems. Read comparative list about Ultrasonic Difference in the FAQ page.
Copper has been used for over 250 years to protect against barnacles, by copper sheathing the entire hull.(Copper sheathing was the practice of protecting the underwater hull of a ship or boat from the corrosive effects of saltwater and biofouling through the use of copper plates affixed to the outside of the hull. It was pioneered and developed by the Royal Navy during the 18th century), Barnacle Rid has created a simple to use, sophisticated computer controller to enhance that process making it affordable in today’s environment.
Click Here For More Info, Images & VideosBarnacle Rid Conceptual Operation Video

More information can be found on the How It Works page. See more demo videos next page for different hull types, boat sizes, fixed marina and mobile installations.
Barnacle Rid
Keep your boat’s hull and running gear barnacle free.
Maintain speed, Win more sailing races, save on fuel costs and annual boat lift fees.
Cruisers, Yachts Large/Small, Twin or Single Prop, with Bow or Stern Thrusters all Kits are available.
Click Here For More Info, Images & VideosBarnacle Rid Featured in the Nautic Expo Magazine
Barnacle Rid featured in the Nautic Expo magazine, Barnacle Rid creates a copper ion electronic field around the boat’s hull. Unlike ultrasonic systems, no hull installation is required. Instead, it consists of a wiring harness holding several electrodes that hangs from the boat when moored. Contact Us: [email protected] or Call Toll Free US 1-855-731-0300, Toll Free AU 1300 048 526 or International +61 410 541 920.
Answers to commonly asked questions
- Barnacle Rid is NOT Ultrasonic.
- We ship directly to you worldwide via DHL/UPS/InXpress/TNT.
- Barnacale Rid does NOT cause electrolysis or galvanic corrosion, no stray current. Independently tested, this report is available on request.
Barnacle Rid Benefits
The Barnacle Rid anti-foul system is a permanent solution to your ongoing antifoul problems. By using the Barnacle Rid system, you will be getting these great benefits:
- Savings on:
- Antifouling
- Lift fees
- Fuel savings
- Savings on:
- Improved performances from your boat and engine, due to less drag
- Electronics are easily configured for warmer or cooler climates with the touch panel controls
- Compatible with all hull materials Wood, Fibreglass, Core fibreglass, Steel, Alloy and Boat/Yacht and Marina configurations (including catamarans)
- 3 years warranty on the entire Barnacle Rid Kit, computer control unit, and any electrode electrical components failure, not caused by misuse, normal usage wear and tear. Sacrificial electrodes are not included in the warranty. This warranty is valid to the original purchaser for 3 years.
Below is a photo of a client’s 64 foot boat after over 6 years using Barnaclerid.
The boat pictured below was slipped for maintenance and was found it only needed a light pressure water blast after 18 months. Barnacle Rid has saved thousands of dollars to the owner on lift fees and anti foul costs since the Installation of Barnacle Rid.
This client’s boat has been using Barnacle Rid for over 7 years now, as have many others over this period.